Harris County Municipal Utility District 501

Through HCMUD 501’s website you can easily find links to the following services:

Tax Rate

Information about the District required by Section 26.18, Texas Tax Code, created by Senate Bill 2 (also known as the Texas Property Tax Reform and Transparency Act of 2019), is available here: https://bli-tax.com/harris-county-mud-501

For the 2023 tax year, Harris County MUD 501 levied a total ad valorem tax of $0.80 on each $100 of taxable property within Harris County MUD 501 consisting of the following three components:

  • $0.605 to pay the District’s contract tax
  • $0.135 to pay the District’s debt service
  • $0.06 to fund the District’s maintenance and operation expenditures

MUD 501’s SHRED EVENT IN TOWNE LAKE: A Community Triumph

On April 27, 2024, MUD 501 hosted a community shred event in Towne Lake that has been hailed as a resounding success, solidifying its role as a key player in local environmental efforts and community service. The event successfully processed approximately 10,000 pounds of paper and a significant quantity of electronic waste, providing a valuable service in promoting recycling and sustainability within the community.

This initiative was met with widespread appreciation from Towne Lake residents who actively participated in the recycling efforts. The success of the event is not just measured by the amount of recycled material, but also by the community spirit it fostered. Residents left the event feeling a stronger sense of community and shared responsibility towards protecting the environment.

Director Jared Day played a pivotal role in organizing the event and coordinating the efforts of student volunteers from Cy-Ranch High School. These students, members of the National Honor Society, showed remarkable dedication by participating in the shred event just hours after attending their senior prom the night before. Their participation was instrumental in the smooth execution of the event.

Special recognition is also due to the Towne Lake Foundation, which provided crucial funding for the event, and the Towne Lake Community Association (HOA), which offered an ideal location for this community initiative. Their support not only made the event possible but also highlighted the collaborative spirit thriving within the community.

Encouraged by the success of this year’s event, plans are already in motion to host another shred event in April 2025. The community’s enthusiasm and ongoing commitment to sustainability suggest that next year’s event will likely see even greater participation and success.

The annual shred event in Towne Lake is more than just a day of recycling; it is a testament to the community’s resolve to contribute positively to the environment while strengthening community ties. As MUD 501 and Towne Lake residents look forward to next year’s event, they carry with them the pride and satisfaction of a job well done, setting a commendable precedent for community-driven environmental initiatives.

Proper Disposal of Paint and Other Hazardous Materials

MUD 501 works diligently to provide excellent garbage collection service to its residents. To that end, the Board would like to remind MUD 501 residents of the proper disposal of paint and other hazardous materials.  Recently, a resident disposed of a paint can in their trash and upon collection, the paint can burst, spilling brightly colored paint onto the street. While this may not appear at first as a major concern, the contrary is true. If not properly cleaned, the paint poses an environmental risk and could result in improper discharge into the storm sewers, which outfall into our lakes, the centerpiece of the Towne Lake community.

Residents can properly dispose of paint and other hazardous materials by scheduling an appointment to use Harris County’s Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Facility, located at 6900 Hahl Road (at 290 and Gessner), Houston, TX 77040.  For more information about acceptable items and to schedule an appointment, please visit https://www.eng.hctx.net/Consultants/Household-Hazardous/Household-Hazardous-Waste.

Tip: Harrs County’s HHW Facility does not accept latex paint because it is water-based.  Latex paint that is solidified can be safely disposed of with your household trash.  The paint can be solidified by adding kitty litter or another absorbent material. In fact, hardware and paint stores often sell paint hardener products specifically designed to dry up unneeded extra paint.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss solutions for proper disposal of hazardous materials, please contact MUD 501’s garbage and recycling provider, Texas Pride, at (281) 342-8178.

Embracing Spring 2024 with HC MUD 501: Water Conservation, Community Events, and More!

As the flowers bloom and the temperatures rise, Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 501 (MUD 501) is excited to share a host of updates and initiatives for Spring 2024. From water conservation efforts to engaging community events, we are committed to making this season both sustainable and memorable for our residents.

Water Conservation Takes Center Stage

This spring, we encourage every resident to partake in our water conservation measures. With our new electronic smart meter system, you can monitor your water usage in near real-time, helping to prevent leaks and save on your water bill. Remember, efficient water use is not just beneficial for your wallet but is crucial for our community’s sustainability.

Upcoming Community Shred and E-Waste Event

Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 27, 2024! We’re hosting our annual community shred and e-waste recycling event at the Towne Lake Amphitheater. It’s a perfect opportunity to safely dispose of your sensitive documents and electronic waste. Details are available on our website, and we can’t wait to see you there.

Emergency Preparedness: Are You Ready?

As we approach hurricane season, MUD 501 wants to ensure that all our residents are prepared for any emergency. We’ve compiled a list of essential items for your emergency kit. From water and non-perishable food to a first aid kit and manual can opener, being prepared can significantly reduce the stress and impact of unexpected situations.

Community Engagement and Safety

Our recent Heritage safety event showcased the strength of our community through education and engagement. We discussed important topics such as gun safety, the use of golf carts, and crimes against the elderly, emphasizing our commitment to a safe and informed community.

Odor Management Success and Drought Contingency Plan Updates

We’re pleased to announce successful odor management at one of our wastewater treatment plants, improving the quality of life for our residents. Additionally, we’ve revised our Drought Contingency Plan, aligning with regional standards to ensure our community remains prepared and resilient in the face of drought conditions.

Dive Deeper with Our Spring 2024 Newsletter

There’s so much more happening in our community! For a comprehensive look at all our initiatives, upcoming events, and helpful tips, we invite you to dive into our Spring 2024 Newsletter. Visit HCMUD501.org to read the full newsletter and stay updated on how we’re working together for a brighter, more sustainable future.

Together, let’s make Spring 2024 a season of growth, preparedness, and community spirit!