Smart Meter Update

The installation of the smart meters throughout MUD 501 is anticipated to be complete by the middle of April. Following the meter installation, MUD 501’s operator will perform meter comparison testing, which is anticipated to be completed by the end of May.

Barring any unforeseen issues, the MUD 501 Board anticipates that the smart meter function will be activated sometime during late June or July. The “Eye on Water” Internet portal and smart meter app will to released to MUD 501 residents at that time, which will allow residents to sign up to monitor their water usage in near real-time, and to set up automated leak detection alerts.

The MUD 501 Board hopes to host an open house in June or July regarding the smart meters, including how to sign up for and use the “Eye on Water” Internet portal and app, and this information will be posted on our website at that time. We expect to host this event as an online event, but also hope to offer an in person option depending on any pandemic restrictions in place at the time. Any questions dealing with the smart meters and the “Eye on Water” Internet portal and app will be answered at the open house.

Additional information will be forthcoming as soon as a firm time line is established.